SPARKZ – a modern production company in the construction industry

SPARKZ, as a contractor of steel structures and industrial facilities, has been present on the Polish market since 2018. Created out of passion for the production of objects in the construction sector. The company has extensive experience in the implementation of industrial projects and prefabrication of all types of steel structures.

What distinguishes SPARKZ is, above all, the team and focus on development. We constantly strive to expand our activities and build our brand. We achieve this thanks to professionalism, passion for creation, high operational efficiency, as well as partnership relations with suppliers and investors.

We have been developing for you since 2018

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Meet our team

Maksymilian Kisieliński


SPARKZ is his life project. He leads it with vision and passion. He consistently takes actions aimed at the development of the organization. His knowledge and skills are key to our success.


Jerzy Mikitiuk

Chief Operating Officer

As Chief Operating Officer, Jerzy manages the day-to-day operations of our company. His experience in process optimization, strategic thinking and quick decision-making ensure the smooth and efficient operation of our organization. Jerzy coordinates the work of various departments, ensuring that projects are completed on schedule and on budget. His leadership and commitment drive our continued growth and success.

Sylwester Marciniak

Production Manager

The production manager plays a crucial role in the process of creating steel structures. His experience in welding, ability to manage a team, and precision in task execution contribute to the exceptional effectiveness of the welding department.

mateusz białe tło

Mateusz Ładosz

Sales Representative

Our Sales Representative, Mateusz, who is responsible for investments on the eastern side of Poland, is a professional with a passion for establishing relationships with customers. His extensive knowledge of our products and negotiating skills make him not only a company representative, but also a business partner for our customers in the area.

Piotr Topczewski

Sales Representative

Piotr is not only a professional with extensive knowledge of our company’s products. Above all, he is a passionate advocate of building relationships with clients, who approaches their needs with commitment and understanding. As a result, you will gain not only reliable advice, but also a valuable business partner who will help you achieve your investment goals.


Mariola Woźniak


The accountant is an indispensable part of our team. Her accuracy and precision in finance ensure that the company maintains solid financial foundations and continuous development.

Nazarii Petriv


The technologist is an innovator and expert in his field. His commitment to continuously seeking new solutions and improving technological processes puts us at the forefront of industry innovations.


Paweł Komoń

Plant Manager

The plant manager is a key operational element of the company. His ability to effectively manage resources, constant attention to quality, and care for the team make the enterprise similar to a precisely operating machine.

Bartłomiej Rychlik

Product Manager

As the leader of the brand, he directs the company in the field of infrastructure security. His entrepreneurial sense, managerial abilities, and deep industry knowledge ensure that our products are not only effective but also meet the highest standards of aesthetics and design.


The place where your project is created



The production hall is where we bring to life the most ambitious structural projects. Equipped with the latest technologies, it ensures not only precision and quality but also efficient and effective production.

nr 101


In our hall, we have advanced technologies including:

Automatic plasma-gas cutting: thanks to the latest plasma and gas cutting system, we are able to precisely and quickly produce details from sheets of various thicknesses

MIG welding: our welding stations are equipped with MIG technology, which allows us to create strong and precise connections

Overhead cranes: our production is equipped with 3 bridge cranes with a maximum lifting capacity of 6.3t, enabling efficient and safe transport of produced elements


Stations and capacity

The production hall includes 15 production stations with the possibility of expansion. Adapted to the production of oversized structures. Possible 16-hour-a-day work system, ensuring impressive production throughput. The hall was designed with ergonomics and efficiency in mind so that the team can work in comfortable conditions.


ul. Składowa 99, 08-110 Siedlce
NIP: 821-267-62-03
REGON: 520985967


Maksymilian Kisieliński

Prezes Zarządu

Firma SPARKZ to jego życiowy projekt. Prowadzi ją z wizją i pasją. Konsekwentnie podejmuje działania mające na celu rozwój organizacji. Jego wiedza i umiejętności są kluczowe dla naszego sukcesu.

Jerzy Mikitiuk

Kierownik Zakładu

Kierownik zakładu jest kluczowym elementem operacyjnym firmy. Jego umiejętność efektywnego zarządzania zasobami, nieustanna dbałość o jakość oraz troska o zespół czynią przedsiębiorstwo podobnym do precyzyjnie działającej maszyny.


Sylwester Marciniak

Kierownik Produkcji

Kierownik produkcji pełni kluczową funkcję w procesie tworzenia konstrukcji stalowych. Jego doświadczenie w spawaniu, umiejętność zarządzania zespołem i precyzja w realizacji zadań przyczyniają się do wyjątkowej skuteczności działu spawalniczego.